Interpretation of the Implementation Plan for the Upgrading and Quality Improvement of the Textile Industry (2023-2025)

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Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly released the "Implementation Plan for Quality Improvement and Upgrading of the Textile Industry (2023-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"). In order to facilitate the understanding and effective implementation of the "Implementation Plan," the interpretation of relevant issues is provided below.

I. Background of the "Implementation Plan" Compilation

The textile industry is a traditional pillar industry, an important livelihood industry, and an internationally advantageous industry in China. It plays a crucial role in beautifying people's lives, serving economic development, achieving common prosperity, and enhancing cultural confidence. The textile industry in China has established the world's largest and most complete industrial system, with the processing volume of fibers accounting for over 50% globally, and textile and apparel exports accounting for over one-third of the global total. Since the 14th Five-Year Plan, the textile industry has effectively balanced epidemic prevention and control with industry development, maintaining a stable industrial scale, steadily improving technological innovation, strengthening leadership in fashion and brands, establishing a preliminary green manufacturing system, and continuously optimizing the industrial structure.

As an integral part of the national economy and manufacturing industry, comprehensive promotion of the new type of industrialization is a crucial focus for achieving high-quality development in the industry and building new competitive advantages. In this context, the "Implementation Plan" was researched and compiled with the aim of accelerating the new type of industrialization, enhancing the industry's capability to lead development through innovation, promoting the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the industry, improving the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain and supply chain, and consolidating the leading position of the textile industry.

II. Overall Ideas and Goals of the "Implementation Plan"

By adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and comprehensively implementing the new development concept, the "Implementation Plan" takes high-quality development as its theme. It combines the expansion of market demand with the deepening of supply-side structural reforms, actively promotes the "Three Improvements" action, expands the development space of the industry, and promotes the quality improvement and upgrading of the textile industry.

The "Implementation Plan" proposes that by 2025, substantial progress will be made in the construction of a modernized textile industry system. The research and development expenditure intensity of large-scale textile enterprises will reach 1.3%, with 70% of such enterprises basically achieving digitization and networking. The energy and water resource consumption per unit of industrial value added will be further reduced, and the intensity of major pollutant emissions will continue to decline. The quality and scale of recycling of waste textiles will continuously improve, and 20 globally renowned enterprise brands and regional brands will be established.

III. Key Tasks of the "Implementation Plan"

Centered around the development goals, the "Implementation Plan" proposes seven key tasks, including accelerating innovation-driven development, cultivating high-end textile manufacturing, promoting intelligent manufacturing, advancing green and circular low-carbon development, deeply promoting the "Three Improvements" action, optimizing the industrial regional layout, and building an open cooperation system. These tasks aim to enhance the industry's innovation, upgrade product quality, achieve intelligent transformation, promote green and sustainable development, and foster a harmonious and stable industry.

IV. Guarantee Measures of the "Implementation Plan"

To ensure the smooth implementation of various targets and key tasks, the "Implementation Plan" puts forward five guarantee measures:

1. Strengthening organizational implementation: Ensuring that tasks are implemented in detail, combining local policies organically with the "Implementation Plan," and promoting collaboration and common development among regions.

2. Increasing financial support: Coordinating existing channels, increasing support from finance, banking, securities, social capital, and other aspects for technological innovation, green development, intelligent manufacturing, and public services in the textile industry.

3. Optimizing the market environment: Improving the business and consumption environment, enhancing intellectual property protection, cracking down on the production and sale of counterfeit and substandard goods, and improving the framework of the fair competition system and policy implementation mechanism.

4. Emphasizing publicity and guidance: Creating a favorable public opinion environment throughout society, guiding textile enterprises to actively participate in various tasks defined by the key objectives, and promoting the innovative products and fashion of the textile industry.

5. Coordinating various forces: Supporting industry associations and other organizations in conducting investigations and research on major industry issues, strengthening industry self-discipline, and promoting the healthy development of the industry.

Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China