The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has outlined key tasks for development and reform in 2024

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From December 17th to 18th, the National Development and Reform Work Conference was held in Beijing.

The conference pointed out that the Central Economic Work Conference comprehensively and systematically summarized this year's economic work, emphasizing that China's economy is generally recovering and improving, and the main expected targets for economic and social development for the whole year are expected to be successfully achieved. Solid steps have been taken in building a socialist modernized country. The National Development and Reform Commission resolutely implements the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, closely revolves around the functions of macro-management and economic coordination, and promotes new progress and achievements in various work.

First, focus on economic analysis and policy research. Solidly carry out monthly, quarterly, and annual economic situation analysis and judgment, timely propose policy suggestions based on economic operation conditions, continue to optimize a batch of phased policies, research and introduce a batch of targeted new measures, actively plan a batch of reserve policies, ensure the consistency assessment of macro policies, and actively carry out economic situation publicity, policy interpretation, and expectation guidance.

Second, implement medium and long-term planning and annual plan implementation. Solidly carry out the mid-term evaluation of the "14th Five-Year Plan," start the preliminary work for the "15th Five-Year Plan," and promote the smooth completion of relevant goals and tasks through annual plans and annual key work.

Third, manage investments and project construction. Improve the efficiency of the use of central budget investments, use the issuance of 1 trillion yuan of additional government bonds to support post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and enhance disaster prevention and reduction capabilities. Steadily advance the construction of major projects, promote private investment through project promotion, strengthen project planning and preliminary work, continue to play the key role of investment in optimizing the supply structure.

Fourth, advance reform and innovation. Promote the reform tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee with high quality, intensify efforts to tackle key areas and key links in reform. Thoroughly implement the commitment to uphold the two unwavering, formulate opinions on strengthening and improving the management of state-owned economy, promote the introduction of policies and measures to promote the development and growth of private economy, establish a multi-level and normal communication mechanism with private enterprises, and address the demands of enterprises in a targeted manner. Accelerate the construction of a unified national market. Thoroughly implement the innovation-driven development strategy, comprehensively coordinate the construction of digital China. Actively promote high-level opening-up, successfully host the third Belt and Road International Cooperation High-level Forum.

Fifth, coordinate and balance comprehensively. Coordinate regional and urban-rural development, continuously optimize regional economic layout, and enhance the coordination of regional urban-rural development. Coordinate the promotion of economic and social development, continuously strengthen people's livelihood security, actively carry out ecological protection and resource conservation, solidly advance the work of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Coordinate development and security, solidly advance the construction of national security capabilities, consolidate the foundation for safe development.

The meeting emphasized that the Central Economic Work Conference has made a comprehensive and systematic deployment of the overall requirements, development goals, policy orientation, and key tasks for economic work in 2024. The development and reform system must study and understand it carefully, implement it in a down-to-earth manner, adhere to the principle of "seeking progress in stability, promoting stability through progress, and addressing immediate issues first," and effectively carry out the key tasks of development and reform in the coming year.

First, further strengthen economic analysis and policy research to consolidate and enhance the favorable trend of economic recovery. Strengthen economic monitoring, forecasting, early warning, and policy research and reserve, innovate and coordinate policy tools, intensify macro-control efforts, strengthen policy coordination, enhance evaluation and supervision, and do a good job in economic situation and policy propaganda and interpretation.

Second, further play the guiding role of medium and long-term planning and annual plans, and effectively promote the effective landing of major national strategic deployments. Combine the mid-term evaluation to promote the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan," and study and propose the basic ideas for the economic and social development of the "15th Five-Year Plan." Formulate and implement annual plans, actively promote major strategic tasks such as new urbanization, rural revitalization, and coordinated regional development in key areas.

Third, further make good use of various funds to strengthen project construction and give full play to the key role of effective investment. Strengthen the use of government investment such as the issuance of 1 trillion yuan in additional government bonds in 2023, central budget investments, and local government special bonds to support transportation infrastructure, energy, agriculture, forestry and water conservancy, coordinated regional development, social undertakings, modern industrial systems, key core technology research, new infrastructure, energy conservation, emission reduction, and carbon reduction, post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, and enhancement of disaster prevention and reduction capabilities. Further stimulate private investment, establish a mechanism for the normal promotion of key industry projects, promote the implementation of new mechanisms for government and social capital cooperation, and encourage more private capital to participate in the construction of major national engineering projects and projects to make up for shortcomings. Strengthen project planning and reserves, and continue to reserve a batch of high-quality projects that are beneficial to both current and long-term development. At the same time, better coordinate consumption and investment, promote continuous expansion of consumption, cultivate more new consumption formats and hotspots, and form a virtuous cycle of mutual promotion of consumption and investment.

Fourth, further comprehensively deepen reform, strengthen innovation-driven, and continuously stimulate the dynamism and vitality of economic development. Resolutely implement the commitment to uphold the two unwavering, promote the coordinated development of various ownership enterprises, and focus on key areas and key links to advance reform. Accelerate the construction of a unified national market, optimize industrial layout, implement actions to improve and upgrade the business environment, and rectify outstanding problems in the field of attracting investment. Promote the development and growth of the private economy, institutionalize and legalize the requirements for equal treatment of state-owned and private enterprises from the perspectives of institutions and laws, create a good environment to encourage and support the development of the private economy from policies and public opinion, and coordinate and solve problems that restrict the development of the private economy in individual cases and overall. Build a new system of a higher-level open economy, continue to promote the effective implementation of the results of the third Belt and Road International Cooperation High-level Forum, stabilize the foundation of foreign trade and foreign investment. Accelerate the promotion of the conversion of new and old kinetic energy, thoroughly implement the national strategic emerging industry cluster development project, cultivate and strengthen future industries, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and vigorously develop the digital economy to lead the construction of the modern industrial system with technological innovation.

Fifth, further strengthen comprehensive coordination and balance, and promote new achievements in coordinating high-quality development, high-level security, and coordinated progress in carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green growth, and other aspects. Strengthen security guarantees in the fields of food, energy resources, supply chains of industrial chains, data, etc. Enhance people's well-being in high-quality development, continue to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation. Strengthen resource-saving, intensive, and circular efficient use, actively and prudently promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, do a good job in dual control of energy consumption, accelerate energy-saving transformation, expand consumption of renewable energy, and gradually transition from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions.

Source: People's Daily