The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and seven other departments jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Manufacturing Industry"

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On December 29th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, along with seven other departments, issued guiding opinions on accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the traditional manufacturing industry. The guidance emphasizes the need to strengthen green and low-carbon development and implement energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformations.

This includes implementing carbon peak actions in key areas. It involves implementing the carbon peak implementation plans in the industrial sector and key industries such as non-ferrous metals and building materials, improving industrial energy-saving management systems, and promoting energy-saving and carbon-reducing technological transformations. An assessment of the implementation of capacity replacement policies will be conducted, cross-regional capacity replacement mechanisms will be improved, and appropriate policy support will be given to technology transformation projects with high energy efficiency and low carbon emissions. Actively develop the application of non-grain biomass materials and other green and low-carbon materials. Establish and improve a carbon emissions accounting system, accelerate the establishment of a product carbon footprint management system, and carry out collaborative innovation in pollution reduction and carbon reduction, as well as pilot demonstrations of carbon capture, storage, and comprehensive utilization projects. Gradually promote coal reduction and substitution in key industries, guide the rational growth of industrial gas use, and improve the electrification level of energy use in industrial terminals.

Furthermore, it involves improving the green manufacturing and service systems. It guides enterprises to implement green transformations, vigorously promotes green design, develops and promotes green products, and constructs green factories, green industrial parks, and green supply chains. The formulation and revision of a batch of standards in key areas such as low carbon, energy conservation, water conservation, comprehensive resource utilization, and green manufacturing will be carried out to promote resource conservation and rational material application. Actively cultivate green service institutions to provide services such as green diagnosis, research and development design, integrated application, operation management, evaluation and certification, and training. Develop green and environmentally friendly equipment for energy and water conservation, advanced environmental protection, comprehensive resource utilization, and remanufacturing. Strengthen the benchmarking and leading role of green manufacturing standards to drive more enterprises toward green transformation.

Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology